
Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Word of the Day...

**edit @ 9:45a Sunday morning; photo of Seneca with Gunsight direct highlighted added** clusterf*ck.  Sorry for my vulgarity, but its the only thing that describes today other than awesome.

Matt arrived yesterday morning and we went on a 2.5 hour trail ride just hanging out and talking about life.  Afterwards I snagged a shower then we set off on a three hour motorcycle ride on his bike around some of the prettiest areas of WV.  Slow going, ignoring the speed limit, and just enjoying the ride and the beauty around us.  I really had a great time.

I don't care what America says about its pastime being baseball - its not.  America's pastime is fishing.  Old and the youngest of young participate and teach one another.  Its almost a right-of-passage for some.  I don't have the patience for it at all, but its so picture-esque to watch grandfathers teach their grandsons to fish and enjoy the time together.  One area we rode past yesterday I was able to look down the embankment and see a young boy with his pole, sitting atop a flat rock just out of reach of the sunlight.  He was below trees on the edge of a beautiful farmstead property.  Absolutely gorgeous.  An hour or so later as we drove down a mountain outside Parsons I watched (briefly) as grandfathers in red and black flannel with old straw hats and old ball caps patiently awaited a bite on their lines around a small pond beside their homestead.  Picture-esque to a T. 

I went to Seneca Rocks today for my third time with my third different group of climbers - and today was the best yet.  Jeremy & Matt were awesomely positive, humorous, and encouraging the entire way.  I really don't have words for how awesome it was.

The first pitch of the day (Banana a 5.6+) was the hardest for me.  I was miserable, had an incredibly difficult time and was very upset and ashamed of myself for my poor performance.  I recognized that it was entirely my fault because I really hadn't climbed in 6 or 7 months, but still, it was frustrating.  Matt took my backpack from me for the rest of the trip and things went much better.  The second pitch (Debbie a 5.7) was short and smooth going for me.  Just what I needed to boost my confidence and calm me down.

 I rock climb, yes.  I love rock climbing, this is a fact.  But I still get nervous - especially at Seneca because it is so chossy and exposed.  Not today.  The first pitch I was upset, exhausted and frustrated with myself.  I was ready to quit, rappel down and just hang out in the shade.  But I pushed on.  I got through the second pitch smoothly, and then an incredible calm overwhelmed me for the rest of our time up there.  I don't know what caused it, I don't know where it came from.  It was very uncharacteristic for me - it was amazing.  I was focused on what I was doing and appreciative of the views around me.  The third pitch was the most amazing climb I've ever done (Gunsight Direct 5.5.).  It was incredible exposed with sheer drops off both sides.

Click photo to enlarge

Absolutely gorgeous.  Jeremy was a great leader taking us up that one, big thank you to him.

We had a fourth traverse pitch across the top to reach a belay station (or two).  Easy and enjoyable with the views on either side.

Now, the word of the day, clusterf*ck, comes about because:
a. It's Memorial Day weekend and there were a butt-load of people at Seneca.
b. People were there that didn't know their shit and kept effing everything up.
c. Ropes were tangled and caught and other more experienced climbers had to fix them while people piled up behind them in the process.
d. Our time on the summit was shared with three other groups of climbers for a sum total of eleven other people - not enjoyable.
e. Our first belay ledge was veryyyy busy with multiple groups climbing up to it and rapping down off it - agh!
f. While I was thinking the word all day, other were saying it aloud.  Amusing.

After we'd finally rapped and hiked down we promptly bought a cold six-pack and headed to an amazing swimming hole.  Seneca is just one - and the most outstanding - fin in the area.  The swimming hole we went to was one I've wanted to swim at since I saw it when I was little.  Its an area where one rock fin comes down to the rivers edge to form a small triangular cave at the water's edge.  You can even climb above the cave and jump into the water (which we did).  We drank beer, cooled off, and threw rocks - well the guys did, I didn't have to prove my manliness as I'm a woman and all.

Such a great day!

Such a great weekend, really.  Big thanks to my amazing friends for making it so.  Tomorrow brings the promise of more as I go zip-lining with my Mom across an area very similar to Seneca.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Let go laughing.

I'm slated to begin work on June 6.  So until then I'm jam packing my days with my absolute favorite things: my dog, my horse, climbing, zip-lining, and amazing friends.

Orion is really starting to form a bond with me.  It thrills me and at the same time I feel a little guilty because I've only shared this bond with one other horse.  Its been so much fun riding every day though - and visiting him the days I don't ride.

This past week has been a blur.  And honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way.  Work is fast approaching - which kind of sucks - but I'm having a blast in the mean time.  Three huge days of activity are fast approaching.  They'll be a trifecta of my favorite activities around here - horseback riding, climbing, and zip-lining. 

Also - Kenai's remote training collar arrived in the mail yesterday.  Range of 400 yards, negative and positive tone buttons, and 8 levels of stimulation.  Now when he runs off and doesn't listen he gets zapped.  It sucks, and I feel bad, but it beats him getting hit by a car or something from running away.  Being a husky and light on his feet its quite comical to watch him when he does have to receive the shock.  Sprinting away from me dead set on reaching his invisible goal ignoring all calling and the negative tone *zap* he rockets - without yelping - into the air, spins, lands, and stares at his rear end as if it is to blame.  Oh Kenai, when will you learn?  But really - he is learning the tones quickly.  And while he doesn't run back to me he DOES stop running.  Its a productive beginning.

Not having any sort of stress is so amazing after my final semester.  I'm relaxed now - so many fun activities help, also.  Due to this I'm actually getting less sleep per night than I'm used to, but I'm still feeling rested.  I had no idea how big a toll stress was taking on me.  Its amazing to be without it - for a time, at least - I'm having amazingly productive fun-packed days.

Funny anecdote:  Due to my usual state of stress my dreams are usually ones that freak me out and cause me to wake up in a state of distress.  This is gone.  My roommates this past year got me into Supernatural.  I gobbled up all of the seasons to catch up to the current one (which I've slacked off on the past couple episodes, shame, shame).  For those unfamiliar with the show, it follows two brothers who battle supernatural things (i.e. demons, ghosts, vampires, werewolves, etc.) and has involved angels vs. demons, God vs. the devils, etc.  So, day before yesterday I'm having this dream where I'm helping the two brothers (Sam & Dean) get rid of demons when suddenly Dean becomes possessed by one.  For some reason we had to get this t-shirt on him in order to get the demon out.  Right as I pull the shirt on him and the demon begins to expel from his mouth church bells start ringing - the alarm tone I'd set on my ipod.  I sat bolt upright in bed all, "What the hell?!  Oh, oh, ooohh, my alarm.  Okay.  Haha."

Being relaxed and calm is a wonderful thing.  Its nice to be able to laugh off things again, too.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Summer Equine Fun

The prodigal son has returned!  Or rather, my brother is finally home from Europe.  More understanding and tolerant of other nations and people, more cultured, more respecting of the world, and a little more sad upon having to leave his first girlfriend on the other side of the ocean.  Buts its okay, the internet and phones make it easy to keep in contact.

To get his mind off things I took him horseback riding with Carly and I last night.  He had a lot of fun.  So horses are healing for boys too it seems!  Haha.  It was exciting for me to see him enjoy it so much, and yesterday was the first time Orion nickered in greeting when he saw me!

This afternoon I went to Angie's to watch/help Doc Cromer with some teeth floating and a minor surgery to a horse's stifle.  It was educational and I had fun.

Later Carly and I spent several hours clearing trail while we rode.  It took forever - and kind of sucked to be quite frank - but it'll be awesome to fly through the trails later on.  I also learned that Orion's teeth are every bit as awful as the horse we floated earlier in the day.  He's going to be seven in August and he's never had his teeth done.  It needs done - badly and soon.  He's in a lot of pain when he eats and its why he can't put on the weight he should - or at least the only reason we've figured out thus far.  I'm excited to get it fixed and get his weight where it should be.

Tomorrow and Wednesday Orion and I will be taking some solo rides with some music since I got a speaker for my ipod.  Makes it even more fun to have music to jam out to.  So peaceful getting out there with my boy.

 Thursday we're riding the horses to my house to bathe them and may spend the night and just ride back the next day.  Its going to be fun to bathe the horses and a dream come true since I was really little to ride a horse to my house/around my neighborhood.  I'm really looking forward to it!

Post-Rapture Pancakes

So my past several days are going to be split into two posts.

This past weekend was phenomenal - as per the Rendezvous norm.  It was the New River Rendezvous, 'Vous #9.  Another great year and another big amount of money raised for the New River Alliance of Climbers to help keep access to the crags open, parking available, and habitat maintained for crucial wildlife.  Such a great event that is SO much fun.  I volunteered this year - a twelve hour commitment - to help out everyone at the event and help things go smoother.

Friday was pretty chill.  Talking with sponsors who came to give back to the NRG, hanging out with friends rarely seen, and then six o'clock rolled around.  Kegs were tapped, the no booze bar was opened, and the first night's party began.  Most people had arrived by this time so it was starting to get movin'.  Dessertapalooza kicked off around seven.  Imagine six giant tables full of nearly any homemade dessert you could imagine - and you get to fill your plate/bowl with as much as you want!  There was live music later on - Dj MonVoyage Neon.  He was pretty awesome.  It was great to get out on the dance floor and jam.  It was more of a rave than anything.  Dancing, moving, jumping, flailing, beer drinking, bubble tea sippin'.  Amazing.  Most people stumbled off to bed by 2a.

Saturday was the big day.  An early wake up to get breakfast from the sponsors - bagels, crepes, eggs, granola and yogurt, fruit, mimosas, and coffee.  And have I mentioned that all the beer and no booze bar drinks, and food is all part of the entry fee to the event ($30)?!  Freaking sweet.  All of the competitors set off for a big day of climbing in the gorge.  My day was spent chilling with Chris.  We got second breakfast at the Cathedral Cafe, and then went swimming at Summersville Lake, and then went back to the Rendezvous to chill out at the hospitality tent and stay out of the sun.

Four o'clock began some yoga sessions, Darn Tough Sock give-away, and other sillyness.  Six o'clock the climbing score cards were due in, and kegs were tapped.  A free and amazing dinner followed.  And then - chaos began.  Men's and women's bouldering pad sumo competitions, crouching Clowny hidden Monster: battle in the sky, and Freekbass.

 Such an amazing night!  Dancin' and groovin' with friends new and old - everyone a giant sweaty mess was great.  And made better by new friends chasing off creepy clinging guys who wanted to dance with me that I didn't know!  Haha.

The final part of the weekend was Sunday morning with a big pancake breakfast for all the hundreds of people.  Biggest pancake feed ever - or so it seems.  Our post-rapture pancake breakfast - since we survived and all!  Granted being such "hippie liberals" I'm sure if it had happened we may not have even known.  ;-)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Today in pictures

My today in pictures - to make up for my lack of a "wordless Wednesday".

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Blur

The Blur - it's what people should be calling me after this week.  All I've done is go, go, go, move, move, move.  One errand to another.  All things enjoyable - but so busy and constant.  Yesterday went something like this:
  • go to frame shop to pick out matting and frame for my diploma
  • go to bank to deposit checks
  • go to Angie's to help out with horse stuff since the vet was coming to town

  • hate the constant heavy rain
  • wait an hour past ETA for vet to show
  • hate the constant heavy rain

  • go inside Angie's to eat
  • hate the constant heavy rain
  • bring in Sonya's mares (near Angie's) to get Coggins and wolf teeth checked out
  • be thankful rain has stopped for a time
  • drive back to town 
  • stop and get fingerprinted for FWS
  • wait forever to get fingerprinted
  • fingerprinting
  • try to leave police station only to have little boy approach me and request for my hand, which he proceeded to examine then take in his own and swing about experimentally before releasing me to leave....what the hell, little boy?
  • arrive home to stuff food in my face and walk dog
Little bit of Maine in WV
  • meet Carly at barn
  • 10 mile ride
  • come home and run 1 mile with dog
  • stuff my face with food
  • change out computer monitor for my LCD tv so I can hook up PS2 and have it for computer - two birds, one stone
  • rearrange room aka - sort my shit
  • zonk out in bed
Ack!  I enjoyed my day, but I'm seriously booking myself a little tight.  I love being busy, however I think I overdid it yesterday.  Today has gone like this:
  • go in to bathe/groom dogs with Sonya at 9a 
  • bathe two daucshunds
  • await arrival of 4 Lhasa Apsos
  • leave to ride with Carly et al. because said Lhasa Apsos did not show up
  • chase horses around field because shitty little neighbor dog sucks
  • catch Orion and feed him
  • try to catch horses for Carly et al. and end up chasing them forever because mares SUCK
  • tack up horses and worry a little about distant thunder
  • go on ride
  • pouring rain and thunder commence
  • gallop through woods
  • pouring rain ceases
I love the view off our front porch in the springtime

  • enjoy ride with evil thunder
  • get fast food because I am starving and have not had fast food that was not a sub in a LONG time
  • stuff face and wonder why something so awful must taste SO good
  • come home and proceed to clean hoof boots, buckets, halters, lead rope
  • sort my shit some more
  • make two headstalls usable by punching leather and clipping straps
  • start laundry
  • swap monitors again because TV doesn't do photos justice - booo
  • steak, morels, fresh-from-the-garden asparagus for dinner

So, today has been a little more easy going.  Which is nice.  Its also nice to see the sun for short bursts between all these silly rain storms.  WV weather in the spring is seriously the weirdest thing EVER.  I hope tomorrow is a little nicer - at least in the morning - because it's going to go a little something like this:
  • be at barn by 630 maybe sooner to ride 
  • come home and get food, walk dog
  • bathe/groom dogs beginning at 9a
  • hopefully have break to eat/walk dog
  • head out to my barefoot trimmer's house in time to pick her kids up from the bus stop
  • hang out with super cool kids, feed/play with their menagerie of animals, do homework, and eat dinner until parents arrive home
  • return home and pack for New River Rendezvous!
  • Friday - leave by 7:30a with Chris for the NRG
I love the Rendezvous.  This will be my third year.  Between the last one and now I have successfully learned to slackline - not well mind you, but I can do it.  Chris and I are volunteering this year which excites me a lot because it will really give me the chance to meet a ton of new people since I'm working in the hospitality tent primarily (6 of my 12 horus).  Super psyched for awesome people, talented bands, great food, even greater beer - for free with entry to event!, Crouching Clowny - Hidden Monster, sumo pad wrestling, dyno competing, climbing, slacklining, yoga, interacting with sponsors, and all the other sweetness that the Rendezvous entails!  BRING IT!

Monday, May 16, 2011

I am

I am a college graduate.  What seemed so long-in-the-coming and surreal became real in a few short seconds of walking across a stage, shaking three hands, smiling for three pictures, and receiving my diploma in an envelope.

My brother is still in Europe so I'm pointing to him in this photo of WVU's production of The Grapes of Wrath - he's driving the wagon as Al Joad.

Arrival to the coliseum was chaotic.  Went to one room to get my reader card, another room to line up with fellow Biology graduates, and then in our single file line we wound down the stairs and out onto the covered basketball court to be seated amongst the other 20 some majors graduating.  Eberly College of the Arts and Sciences is the largest and most diverse at WVU.  Needless to say the ceremony was long and boring - and hot, so hot.  Biochem/Biology went first - I was the 68th person to receive my diploma.  As we filed into yet another line to await walking the stage we exchanged smiles, hand-shakes, and some teary eyes with each other.  Its crazy that after four years of stressing over - what now seem like petty quizzes and tests - we were about to graduate.  At times it seemed like we'd never get there., and then boom its happening.  We did it.
So proud of my freshman year roommate and her Order of Augusta status.  =)

I am a college graduate.  We are college graduates.

And now, the question that everyone feels they must ask me, "What are you going to do now?"  and some lead the question along with an added, "Graduate school?"  And while I can quote off this "plan" I have for myself ("taking classes online through Oregon State to obtain a Master's certificate in GIS Science and spending my summer working for Fish & Wildlife - Why? - because wildlife is different from most graduate programs in that they must have a project and full funding for it prior to advertising the position and finding the perfect student, its a back-door process") the truth is I don't know what I'm going to do, really.  

I am uncertain.  I don't know what I want to a T.  I know that the perfect opportunity will arise.  I do want to get my Master's of Science in wildlife - or maybe GIS.  I want to begin this within the next five years.  I'll be carrying 8 hours this fall.  But truly, I don't have some "big plan" for things.  Honestly, I wish people could just lay off and let sleeping dogs lie.  I'm not throwing my life away.  The bulk of responses I get when I quote off my plan that doesn't - yet - include me going off to graduate school somewhere are very disappointing.  Its great that society places education so highly, and that success is seen as education.  Education is an amazing accomplishment.  But jeebus, let me have a break.  I've got my priorities in line still, I just want to have some fun for a little while and relax.  -And by "little while" I mean a year.  That's not so much in the grand scheme of things.  And if the perfect opportunity arises before, then so be it, I will take it.  But its not my biggest priority.  I have a great job in the mean time.

I am accomplished.  I've done so much these past four years.  Stressing over so many things.  But worth it?  yes.  I'm a better, and - believe it or not - calmer and more level-headed person from it all.  Its a good place to be. 

I am happy. 

Friday, May 13, 2011


The past few days have been a whirlwind of activities.  I’m doing my best to bury myself in the moment and focus on the present.  Its been easier than it used to be because of my current Facebook hiatus.  I’m not getting lost in the internet for pointless minutes/hours/etc. perusing things that aren’t really pertinent to me.  I’m reading more, getting things done when I want to, and enjoying this beautiful weather! 

 Tuesday and Wednesday were full of horseback riding.  Orion and I completed our first five-straight days of training this week.  Once we really get into the swing of things we will be doing five on two off, but he’s going to get four off four on for the next set due to my schedule.  Little horse is rockin’ it.  He’s getting in shape and its so noticeable.  Super excited about the horse he’s turning into.  So far he’s mirroring Stan – my main man for so many years – in all aspects.  He’s more level-headed and calm about things than Stan was though, so Orion is getting through things a little quicker.  Need to put some pounds on him though.  Working with my barefoot trimmer/natural horse expert Suzanne on this…  We got our boots this week!
Pretty sweet.  I’ve put them through a lot and they’ve stayed on.  Rubbed his pastern below the fetlock a little, but not bad.  Suzanne called yesterday to inform me that Renegade carries a size between the double ott and the ott which is where Orion’s feet are – she ordered them so we should be pretty set on gear once they arrive.

Tuesday and Wednesday’s rides were with Hannah and Chelsey.  Love getting out with the girls.  Its such a great time.  We’ve known each other since kindergarten, too.  Horse lovers since ever.

Wednesday late afternoon I took Kenai on an hour’s long walk to attempt to wear him out.  He hasn’t been getting a lot of exercise lately because I can no longer trust him off-leash.  His taste of freedom when he ran off was too delightful so he now attempts it frequently.  Its so hard to break his concentration from whatever and get it back on me.   So until we do some more work, on leash he will remain.  Our walk had a second purpose of scouting out a creek crossing between neighborhoods – still possible, though I will have to skirt the edge of a new house’s yard, freaking developments.  I have always wanted to ride a horse to my house – that dream is going to be fulfilled this summer.  I’m uncertain if I will complete it in a day or two days, but it will be completed.  Should be about a 3.5 hour ride one-way.  Little girl’s dream come true – I can’t wait.

--Short aside: Five days training in the saddle + one long walk with the dog + all these events with me in a tank top (shorts for the walk) = this girl getting some sweet sun!  No burning (yet) for this redhead!  Ooh yeah!--

Wednesday evening Hannah’s mom took the graduates for dinner.  It was Hannah, her fiancĂ© Jeremiah, Chels and I.  It was really fun to sit down and talk with everyone for a couple hours.  So crazy how much we have all grown up from the elementary school days.  I’m so happy to still have such close, amazing friends present in my life after all this time.  Back in middle school and high school especially, people always write on the backs of their school pictures that they swap, “Its so crazy we’ve been friends for so long, lets be friends forever!” or some crap like that.  Well, in our case, we have stayed true to our words. 
Yesterday Kenai and I returned to Morgantown to go on a whitewater trip down the lower Yough with some friends.  Four kayakers, Radley, Matt, Katie, and – new to kayaking making yesterday his maiden voyage down a river – Jason, and Chris, Kenai and I were in the shredder.  The Lower Yough is a class III river.  It was the only river I ever whitewater kayaked.  Freaked me the eff out in a kayak, too.  (Hence why I sold my boat and bought Kenai.)  But in a shredder?!  Freaking awesome.  

In his sweet NRS pfd
Jason only swam (pulled his skirt and came out of the kayak instead of rolling back up) two times.  He did amazing.  Even combat rolled the last rapid (rolling back up in a rapid vs. flat water rolling).  Kenai did great for his first time, too, considering his hate of water.  His only vice was that he was totally cued in on land.  He moved back and forth within the shredder (which due to our lack of a hand pump only had 60% of the air it should have, haha) to the side closest to land.  He squalled, squealed, and made his characteristic gargle-squeal noise a lot while we were in the flat water section between rapids.  I tossed him in twice to make him swim around and use up some energy.  Sled dog pulls the raft pretty effectively – in the direction of land.  Due to his extended water-logged state yesterday all the hair he hadn’t blown out became loose and is now fluffin’ out of him everywhere.  Good and bad.  Good because it needs to come out; bad because I don’t have a brush in Morgantown for him currently.  

After our river adventure – which for the record was so, so much fun – we went to the Firefly Grill for some yummy food.

 They have a lot of amazing wraps, sandwiches, and salads.  I got my favorite – Thai Tofu.  Their spicy peanut Thai sauce is amazing.  It really hits the spot after a day on the river.  I love how much energy water sports take out of you.  Its so satisfying.

And now we have today.  Friday, May 13th.  The date of graduation ceremony #1.  It begins at 5:30p, though I have to be there at 4p.  So crazy.  This is the short one for the Honors College and other honors recipients.  Total of 160-ish supposed to be walking.   I’m looking forward to this ceremony because of its brevity and because I should know at least half of the participants.

The fact that college is over is still so surreal – though I’m sure this will quickly change after tonight.  I have another ceremony – the big one – on Sunday.  And then I’m done.  Four years of chaos, four years of amazing new experiences, four years of learning so many incredible things, four years of new friends and relationships – all over.  But with this end is another new beginning in the real world.  I’m a little reserved on my feelings towards that right now, but it will be a fun experience all the same, I’m certain.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Magna cum Laude

Its official.  3.74 final GPA, graduating magna cum laude - so crazy.  Its weird to see it online on my unofficial web transcript.  The Degrees Awarded area has been blank for so long, and now its filled in with Bachelor of Science and my awards are listed below.  I can't believe its over, I did it.  Honors ceremony is Friday night, Biology ceremony is Sunday afternoon - not looking forward to the second because the college within the university that my department is in consists of at least a dozen, if not more, majors.  Going. To. Be. So. Long.  ACK.  But, worth it.  That piece of paper that I ranted on about back in December or whenever, I want it now.  I've earned it.  So I want that piece of paper with the silly writing and the silly seal and the silly signatures.  Its mine.  And its going on my flippin' wall.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Baby horses

...they make the world a better place.  I just love her.  These are some of my favorites from today.

She hears my shutter go off repeatedly and just has to come over to check me out.  I get nuzzles and kisses every time. =)
Photo by Chris

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Adventure is out there!

And Animal Kingdom won it by several lengths!

Did the Village People put Mucho Macho Man to music with their "Macho Man" lyrics?  Yes, yes, they did - it happened.  Loved it.  (MMM got third, by the way.)  Its nice that all these horses/trainers/jockeys/owners have bittersweet Cinderella stories - but it does make it difficult to love and hate who wins and who loses.  You kinda feel as if everyone should be a winner.  Rosie didn't do as well as I'd hoped - but I still think she's amazing.

I'm starting most of my mornings home with a walk around the yard with Kenai.  It gives him a chance to do his business, me a chance to wake up, and a chance to snap some pictures.  I'm enjoying this little routine - hopefully it continues.

Eating a Milkbone

This morning I headed out to the barn to meet our barefoot hoof specialist, Suzanne.  She trimmed both Orion and Skip and sized both for boots.  We had a lot of great little talks and I learned a ton - as per the norm.  The world of natural horse care is new and exciting to me and I'm learning all I can.  The benefits of natural horse care are too many to count!  I want the best for my horse, and I believe this is it.

After Suzanne finished, Orion and I took a short ride.  The last time his feet were trimmed he was super duper sore - not the case today!  This little horse is out to impress me.  I was hesitant about his capabilities in the beginning.  I had a feeling he would come together and be a pretty good horse, but not this quickly!  He moved forward so willingly today - ears pricked, very alert, a pep in his step.  We had a short 45-ish minute ride.  But it was really great.  Its really starting to feel like summer.  Green everywhere.  I love it.

After my ride and some lunch I headed out to see my friend Angie's new baby horse.  This little filly has yet to be given a name - they're waiting to find the perfect one to fit this beautiful little girl.

I think she's absolutely beautiful.  She looks a LOT like her dad.  His socks aren't quite as high.  She got those from her momma.  Beautiful girls.  The little filly really trusted me and would come up and nibble my fingers (she has no teeth yet), let me scratch her face, back, sides, ears, and lift up one of her feet a couple times.  So soft.  She's a little snot though!  Bullies her mom.  Head butts her momma's milk bag and then when her momma nips her to reprimand her the little filly starts throwing bucks and kicks.  Hilarious.  Super spunky.

She had her nose on my cheek and gave me kisses.
So, I've sworn off Facebook for a few weeks.  Its a little harder than I'd anticipated, resisting that urge to get on and waste some time, or to update my status, or some other insipid thing.  I'm spending a lot less time on the computer, which is really good.  What time I am spending I'm reading up on a lot of horse stuff, or, in the case of this evening - editing photos.  Well, not editing, I don't "edit" any photos per se.  I'm too ignorant with editing programs to do any justice.  I have programs, sure, but I just don't know enough yet to want to play.  My "editing" is sorting and deleting.  I hadn't done this since the first of April.  Gah!  Never again.  Never, ever again.  Sooooo many photos.  Sooooo much sorting.  Blech.  But - its done.  I really need to take time and go through ALL MY FOLDERS SINCE EVER and sort and delete more thoroughly.  But having a 1 terabyte external hard-drive that I haven't used much of yet makes me lazy.

Last night I moved all my things home.  It was thoroughly exhausting.  And might I just say - moving blows.  But, once again, its done.  And I'm happier for it.  It feels good to be settled again.  It makes the whole done-with-college bit more real.  I'm really excited.  Excited for a summer of horseback riding, equine events, playing outside, swimming in rivers, hiking, playing with Kenai - and - I hope, working my new job.  New beginnings, scary, but fun.