
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

2016 Goals


- Stay healthy and happy physically and mentally
- Build confidence and relaxation in all things, but particularly under saddle on trails
- Have a safe and fun competition season
- Move up in distance (competitively) this year
- Log many miles in Canaan/Dolly Sods
- Build understanding on basic dressage with a goal of lots of "long and low" work as this is the effort Q is least inclined to give


- Stay healthy and happy physically and mentally
- Advance skill within dressage and jumping
- School on some XC courses
- Spend some more time on trail this year than we did in 2015
- Compete in something (endurance, eventing, jumpers, I'm not picky!)


- Stay healthy and happy physically and mentally 
- Continue to strengthen body through rehab exercises
[Stretch] Develop our "sit pretty" into a true, classic looking pose - this is an exercise we've been working on for rehab, but I'd love to get it even more devloped


- Stay healthy and happy physically and mentally
- Audit several clinics for dressage and jumping
- Try to find somewhere to take periodic lessons for the above that is within budget
- Try to match # of days skied to # days climbed
- Continue to lead climb and build my comfort level / lead-head
- Hike or bike N. Fk. Mtn. trail from end to end
- Continue to mountain bike and increase my skill/comfort level on the bike and trails
- Continue to build on my skill playing the mandolin
[Stretch] Go fox hunting
[Stretch] Take a polo lesson - this just strikes me as fun and I want to learn more about it

30 before 30 goals

- Continue to knock out states left to visit
- Get more serious about working toward being able to do a split
- Stay at a Bed and Breakfast
- Get my Spanish speaking back to where it was in '07-'09; something I really need to do because there is a high potential for travel in Spanish speaking places in my future!!
[Stretch] Climb a 14'er and hike in the Tetons - I don't really know WHAT my travel plans are going to be this year, but knocking out one or both of these would be awesome!