
Thursday, April 7, 2011


I have been SO productive from the moment I woke this morning until now.  GO ME.  Cleaned kitchen, cleaned bathroom, picked up trash, took all trash and recycling out, vacuumed living room, WROTE THE EVIL PAPER - well, most of it.  I have the abstract (easy), conclusion (mostly easy) and maybe one paragraph left to add to the body AND THEN ITS DONE-DONE!!  Ow oww!  ...and then it will need reviewed and revised a little.  Its not due until April 27th though...  But its out of the way!  I'm certain I will have it polished off and ready for revision by Sunday.  And then....

ON TO MY THESIS.  The big one.  The really big paper that determines my grade in two classes (for a total of 7 of my 12 credit hours this semester) AND that determines whether I will graduate from the Honors College and whether or not I will graduate with honors from the Biology dept.  Oh boy.  My goal for this giant thing?  Finished and revised once by myself and peers by the 19th - that's right, if you did your math correctly that adds up to completion 12 days from now.  Yikes.  I defend my thesis on the 25th, but I need to give my advisor time to go over the paper before then.  Eeeekkk!  Defending.  I defended my proposal, and that was evil.  If I can wake up the morning of the 25th and not wobble due to anxiety freaking my neurons out and misfiring their signals, I'll be good!

BOOM BOOM BOOM, time to CONQUER.  I got this.  =)

This picture is a year and a half old...
but it clearly demonstrates how I'm
feeling - and its just funny.

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