The Sorels are rated to -25F and the Muck to -40F. Its rare to get into negative temps in West Virginia; and rarely EVER below -10F.... So the Sorels are a more solid choice for that reason. And I'd be able to wear the Sorels in more situations vs. the Muck would be better for work/riding only. But the Mucks are 100% waterproof all the way up and the Sorels don't quite have that going for them. And the Mucks would be great for all future work/potential grad school/etc.
Rawrrrr decisions! But yeah; probably going to get the Sorels.
In other news, I have managed to eat super healthy lately thanks to some recipe ideas from Lee at Fit Foodie Finds. I've been eating a great breakfast every morning consisting of rolled oats, oat bran, chia seeds, cinnamon, a banana and some almond butter on top. Can you say delish!? Lee has done the same stuff so if you're interested definitely hit her page up (recipe link at top) and look at her pictures of the food because she does a far better job that I would! Haha.
I also found this great "detox" smoothie recipe on Pinterest that I've been diggin' on lately too.
- 1¼ cup pineapple juice
- handful of spinach leaves
- juice from ½ lemon
- ¼ tsp. grated ginger root
And my big favorite right now that I've only had the pleasure of indulging in once was the below:
An omelet with arugula and garlic on a bed of spinach and arugula with citrus dressing.
Just bought a pair of sorrels rated to -100F. But here, we do get cold...