
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Just Do It

...I realize the title of this post could be construed in a very crude way, but that realization made me chuckle a little so I decided to leave it.

I realized the other day that the reason I’ve been able to do so many things though is because I’m willing to wake up and get out and do them.  I’m willing to toss myself in for better or worse and experience things. 

People tell me often that they wish they “had my job” or “could go band a hawk” or “could be a ski patroller” or “could ride a horse that well” or “experience wildlife one-on-one” as I have done.  I’m a doer.  I’m not content to sit still and have free time.  And because of this I’ve had some pretty phenomenal experiences! 

Example: My flex-day (day off) was last Friday (and every other Friday).  I could have slept in, but instead I woke up around 6a, had a semi-relaxed morning of getting ready, and then rolled onto the ski slope by 8:45a or so.  The conditions were some of the best I’ve skied this year!  And I got to meet and ski with telemark ski legend/god Dickie Hall.  He actually volunteered to take a run with me to see where he could help me.  And from this opportunity I scored the chance to ski with his clinic for the next two days - for free because I’m a patroller.  Seriously, too cool.  (For all non-ski, non-telemark folks, imagine your favorite discipline/hobby/etc.; now who is the expert in that?  Who helped to found it, create key terms and practices for it?  THAT is the caliber of person Dickie is.  Oh, and he’s quite the comedian, too.)

Are you a doer?  A go-getter in search of new experiences?  What experiences has getting-out-and-just-doing-it led you into? 


  1. -Living in Australia for four months.
    -Being able to ride a horse bareback just as well as with a saddle.
    -Owning my own long haired weim
    -Seeing 8 countries and 27 states
    -Having two companies fight over me for an internship (currently)

    I refuse to sit back and let life tell me what to do.

  2. That made me giggle. Here I was thinking Nike - until I read the fine print. lol

    Totally a doer.

  3. I'm definitely a doer like you :)
