
Thursday, December 22, 2016

2016 Blogger Gift Exchange

This was my first year participating in the Blogger Secret Santa Gift Exchange that Tracy at Fly On Over EQ hosts. I don't really have an excuse for not participating before - I plan to participate in the future as I had a blast this year.

I netted friend and blogger Sara over at a Gem of a Horse as my person to shop for this year. This was perfect on a lot of levels: Sara and I are friends because of our blogs, both compete in endurance, both crewed for one another's first 100 this summer, and are friends IRL. I know her, her family, and Gem intimately after this year! It was a blast to shop for her. She received her gift and recapped it here.

I received my gift this afternoon. So much excitement.

My Secret Santa was Rhiannon from The Horse Is Not Black - a new to me blog that I've now added to my Feedly.

Upon opening
So much festive! And the penguin wearing mittens slays me
Polo wraps, hot chocolate mix, Twix (these may or may not last the day lol), local honey, Mrs. Pastures treats, and boot socks!
A tote to hold it all!

Rhiannon, I swear you read my mind with the tote as I was *just yesterday* wishing I had a barn-specific tote. And the black polos are perfect as I've decided Griffin's "color" is black for all foreseeable future events. Also, I have always coveted boot socks just like these! I may or may not have squealed a little bit in delight upon unwrapping them. Simple things thrill me...

The horses and I thank you so much for the sweets and other treats you've sent us. Sugar highs are in everyone's near future. Thank you for thinking of us.

Happy holidays, all!


  1. ooooh what a perfect collection of goodies!!!! dedicated barn totes are the actual best - i have a few lol (hoarder status over here tho). i got my secret santa gift in the mail today too and just love this little tradition that Tracy has put together!!

  2. I am glad you like everything! Nothing is really show specific, but everything can be used for shows. I figured I couldn't go wrong with black for the polos or the tote. The Noble Outfitters Peddies are some of my favorite boot socks. Happy holidays!

  3. That is a great gift package!! I loved playing along this year and keep stalking the person I sent gifts to waiting to see when she posts (I know they arrived cuz I'm at pro level stalker on this one).

    Thanks again for my gifts - I love them :)

  4. I love simple little things -- socks, totes and TWIX. Omg YUM!
