
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Crashing into dreamland

Well, so much for my super-duper-get-stuff-done phase.  I've officially crashed back into procrastination - hence the beginnings of a blog layout makeover!  It'll be slow, but hopefully it will be completed in the upcoming week.  Revamped most of the layout and my 30x30 for now.

Its one of those threaten-to-rain-any-minute days outside.  The drab gray dreariness of it all is taking a toll on my productivity - or at least that's what I'm blaming it on.  I started off strong this morning, but have since crashed into digressing subjects (i.e. horses, Gilmore Girls, arts & crafts, blog re-design).  I do have a semi-plan for the rest of the afternoon though, so hopefully I will get something accomplished.  BIG test on Monday in my GIS graduate course, so I better get something of substance accomplished!

But until then, the following are things I've been dreaming about for my room decor/ future house (one day, somewhere).
Because who wouldn't want one?
I want a place like this to read.
A big sectional couch (leather though) for lots of people
I would really love to have a home with bay windows
A big, solid, wood front door like this.  While I can't have my
dream home necessarily, I would really like to have a fancy
But if having my dream home were feasible (which unless I go become an ob-gyn doctor - since they have the biggest starting salary - is absolutely not possible) I would have something similar to this....

Sigh...if only.

1 comment:

  1. House daydreaming is procrastination at it's finest! I love the built-ins in that library and the big window. And the last house is gorgeous. Also, good call on Gilmore Girls! Can't wait to see more of your blog design. I need to redo my header so it's Tale of Two Taylors and Their TotS, but I am procrastinating that! Lol.
