
Thursday, March 31, 2011


an huEarlier in the week a friend from home messaged me a link to with an ad for a husky in a shelter nearby.  He looked so similar to my dog and so sad.  But, unfortunately, its really not feasible for me to have a second dog at this point in my life.  I feel for dogs in shelters - but I can't help right now.

Last night at my cousin's 21st birthday bash at a local pub I saw my friend, Whitney, and expressed to her about this Siberian that needed rescued.  She also has a Sibe that she got five years ago.  She immediately felt for this guy in the shelter and decided to go get him! - in the morning of course, not at 11p, haha.

She went and picked him up this afternoon, and discovered that if she hadn't he was slated to be put down today or tomorrow!  He had been in and out of the shelter 3 times and had currently been there for 6 weeks!  Poor guy.  His name is now Paxton (it was Max), he's two years old, and a really good boy - just needs fattening up.

Kenai and I visited today.  It was Kenai's first time playing with another Sibe!  It was really fun to watch them.


and again...
They look like brothers even though they aren't!
Paxton on the left, Kenai on the right.

Cuddly fighters.

1 comment:

  1. Very pretty! My parents have one too. I feel bad for him though because Oklahoma Summers are so hot... they shave him, but then he just looks silly.
