
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Best Christmas Gift

Remember my redheaded cohort from the adventures trapping & banding raptors?  Well she's pretty much the bomb and I'm super happy to call her the bestest friend ever - even if we do only see each other once or twice a year (damn you shrikes!).

But, no, seriously, since we worked together [or lack thereof, hehehe] summer of 2009 we've stayed close and became even closer.  (Its a redhead thing?)  We send letters (the snail mail kind) back and forth every couple weeks because they make life more fun.  I need to get on my A-game 'cause she always sends me the cutest cards ever (since CA is chic like that) and I'm lamely sending her Nature Conservancy cards...  Well, its that Christmas-time of year, so cards have been replaced with gifts.  And, oh boy, did she blow me away with the box in the mail yesterday!

Neat handwritten font addressing the box to me (which, I must say, is a style I frequently use also [freaky redhead thing].  Open to zebra print tissue paper.  Reveal a turquoise box.  Box opens with a hinge to more tissue paper.  Tissue paper reveals the below:

I'm certain my mouth was agape at this point.  And then I squealed at Kenai who was lying near my feet.  And he looked at me all bewildered-like.

Seriously, the greatest gift ever, no?!  I'm sure she could be commissioned to do other people's pets.  Anyone? Anyone?  Bueller?  Bueller?