The short of it – we finished 6th in a field of 40-ish. Siena
was a totally different horse from Scioto. The weather was more than perfect.
The trails were absolutely amazing. The company was even better.
The long of it:
I drove the 4 hours south to Ivanhoe, VA on
Friday to meet my friend Mary whose mare Siena I would be riding in the
Virginia Highlands 55 on Saturday. Other than a guy in front of me forgetting
his toll money and causing quite the hubbub at the toll before jacking money
from me, the drive was uneventful. I finished off The China Study on
audiobook and Kenai lounged in the back.
Miss Siena |
showed up at the trailer within an hour or so of my arrival. She couldn’t
believe she’d missed me driving in. We vetted the horses through and then
headed out to put our stuff at the away check – a BEAUTIFUL hilltop home with
views far into the distance. We snagged food and gas in town and headed back to
camp for a quick ride. It had deluged that
morning from the look and sound of things. Blue skies and sun upon my arrival,
but the trails and riders racing on Friday told a different story. There was SO
MUCH water! And mud. A lot of mud.
New River cliff line beside ride camp |
Siena and Gryphon were more sure-footed and moved through without a problem. We
ran into some 50-milers finishing their day on the way up, pivoted the horses
and headed back down, out, and into ride camp, but not before Gryphon proved to
Mary that he’d definitely need a running martingale the following day!
Prior to sleep that night, we talked
with some folks in camp. I got to meet some of the big-wigs within AERC. This
was particularly interesting because the bulk of what I read/hear about the
inner workings comes from angsty trolls on the ridecamp forum. I have stopped
reading much of ridecamp lately because there is so much controversy on there
from what I figured were most likely ill-informed, highly-opinionated people.
I listened in on some very interesting conversations about
topics that are highly contested on ridecamp. I feel that I finally got the
true-and-true of the whole thing. About what I figured things were, but nice to
have confirmation.
I was then
quizzed heavily as to why I was doing this sport, ways I thought further young
folks could be recruited, what ways AERC could lure more people into the sport,
and was then thanked for my time, attention, and interest.
If you want to know what I had to say
about these things, then drop me an email as I’m not going to turn my personal
blog into a place to contest AERC issues.
I slept AMAZINGLY the night
prior to the ride. So amazing, in fact, that at first I really didn’t even want to get up and ride. The thought of riding
55 miles versus staying in bed was a really difficult one to work through that
We were tacked up and
ready with plenty of time to spare. Kenai had a pee break and was in his
kennel for the day. Just what he needed with his rehab at that point – stall rest! Mary and I walked the horses around and
around camp for the 20 minutes pre-start. We left right in the middle of the
pack without any shenanigans.
time we caught up to Bonni – who would end up winning and getting BC – and we
slowed Siena and Gryphon to let the three of them continue on at a faster pace.
Mary strives to do a 7 mph pace and they were doing more than that.
We were in a pocket for the rest of
that first 15 mile loop. It was wonderful being on our own. Ride your own ride.
The loop finished through some gorgeous
fields. I couldn’t get over how stunning it was. Cantering through was an
incredible feeling.
We topped out at the vet check,
pulsed down quickly, and vetted through with no problems. Siena went through
with the lowest CRI the vets had seen yet at 48/48. This mare is going to be
such a future super star! My love of Belesemo horses grows even more…
After two breakfast biscuits, ounces
and ounces of liquids, and all the food the horses could eat, we headed out on
the ~23 mile loop. Two girls my age-ish and a mother/daughter (12 year old
daughter who completed her 1,000th mile (!!!!!!!) at this ride)
caught up to us shortly into the loop.
trails were SO AMAZING. SO AMAZING. Phenomenal footing. Beautiful vistas.
Perfect weather. SO WONDERFUL.
discovered on this loop that 7 of the front runners had gone off trail and
would now only receive completion miles. That put us in the top 10. All we had
to do was complete.
We rode
almost the whole loop with the other four ladies. They pulled away for a time,
but we caught back up and ended up passing them and the mother/son team before
we came into the vet check/hold.
headed back out on to the final 15 mile loop in good spirits. Mary “swam” out
of camp, arms spinning in freestyle stroke without reins. I was chatting with
folks and got left behind for a moment, so I “swam” out after her, much to the amusement
of others. We rode this ENTIRE loop alone
without others around. It was both wonderful and surprising as we figured they
would all have caught us by this point.
A mile out from camp
though he cramped up in a way that Mary couldn’t get it out. He looked much the
way you or I would look with a Charlie horse. I trotted and she walked across
the finish in 6th and 7th place; I headed to relieve
Kenai and Mary and headed straight to the masseuse.
Siena vetted through at the 15 minute CRI mark, as we
planned to stand her for BC. Gryphon got the most amazing massage ever for a
long while, but still didn’t get a completion as he still trotted out unsound.
The vets were very complementary to all of Mary’s efforts though, and noted
that Gryphon was very loose and otherwise very happy seeming. (He was sound by
the following morning.)
Siena didn’t
end up getting BC, but it was a fun exercise to get to deal with that aspect of
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