
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Sunshine and a Contest

Saiph, Karen, and Gail have all nominated me for the Sunshine award - thanks, ladies!

1. Mares or geldings? 

A good horse. That's all I'm looking for. I thought I'd never own a mare, and then I got Q. I thought I'd not want another one, but now I'm wishing for a filly if/when I breed her in a few years if she proves to be sound of mind and body.
2. English or western? 
English. However, if I'm packing into the backcountry or participating in team penning or playing around with cutting cattle, I won't hesitate to ride a western saddle. My issue with western is the high pommel that exists on all saddles. I ride best (when doing anything above a walk) in a saddle that does not have that high pommel. I don't like any trail saddle that has a high pommel similar to western saddles (like Boz and other endurance model saddles).
3. Do you prefer younger or older horses?
I can really appreciate the knowledge and relative reliability of an older horse, but since Griffin, I really like starting my own horses. I like knowing their history and putting the foundation on them that I want them to have. The unknowns associated with an older horse that comes into your life aren't so worth it to me any more.
4. Have you trained a horse from ground zero? 
Griffin. January 2012 began our journey. The blog chronicles it.
5. Do you prefer groundwork or riding? 
Prior to moving to the barn I'm at, prior to getting Griffin - riding. But since January 2012, I really understand the importance of and enjoy working on ground exercises with my horses. Its basically all I've done with Griffin prior to this past spring. It's my main goal for Q throughout winter. And Q does SO much better over jumps when I've worked her through them on the ground first. Its not worth making them do something under saddle they can't do on the ground. Things flow much smoother when I've taught my guys things from the ground prior to under saddle.
6. Do you board your horse or keep him at home?
Board at a friend's home. Its great.
7. Do you do all natural things or just commercial stuff?
Depends on the product. I make my own fly spray. Commercial products are in it though! "All Natural" to me is things that are home grown/made. I recognize that this is a different point-of-view than most have, but growing up and living in a rural area where many folks are completely self-sufficient within their homes, diets, etc., I have a hard time viewing otherwise.
8. All tacked up or bareback? 
I'll do either. But I'm less likely to ride bareback on a horse that isn't "made". I'm hesitant to ride bareback on Q purely because of her athleticism that allows her to spook violently and quickly in a very quick period of time. It puts me on the ground before I can form a thought about what's happening.
9. Equestrian role model?
In line with others' answers: Any equestrian who has the horse's well-being in the forefront of their mind throughout all things.
10.  What's my one, main goal for my equestrian journey? 
To have happy, healthy horses with whom I can have fun with while also having a very established level of trust between equine and human.

I'd nominate, but I'm pretty positive nearly every blog in my blog roll has been nominated!!

On another note,  SprinklerBandit is having a contest through Dream Horse Studios on her blog. The company has beautiful products and definitely worth browsing through! Check them out.

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