
Monday, November 4, 2013

Steady Eddy

I don't have much in the way of words to babble about how putting Griffin back into work was, but I do have a couple videos and photos.

The above videos were from very early on in the 20 minute round pen session.

I began the day by putting him to work in the round pen for about 20 minutes. I listened to the Ratatat station on Pandora and sent him trotting and cantering around with a lot of directional changes.

Griffin's future career(s) are wide open with possibility, but I've got to say this now: if he were to ever do dressage, he'd be a champ at canter pirouettes. Every change of direction at the canter he performed movements similar to just that. I was giggling with glee each time. He looked so fancy.

With the early stages of sweat beginning to show through his winter coat, I cued him to do a few lateral motions off pressure from the tip of the lunge whip. Ending on a positive note with lateral motions, we did a little play with bowing, ended on a good note, and exited the round pen.

From there I gave him this:

My BO works part time at the local college and I have a feeling the kitchens needed to be rid of the packets of apples and carrots for one reason or another...thus we have a garbage bag full of each carrots and apples.

I suited Griffin up in the surcingle and driving reins when he'd finished his treat and proceeded to drive him for about a mile around the property.

He wasn't perfect, but he was very far from being bad. I was very happy with how he did.

Rough going for a short stretch.

I drove him down into the water, then turned him back up the bank
without ever setting foot in the water here myself. We both went across
at another shollower crossing.

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