
Thursday, April 3, 2014

More Creek Riding

This is quickly becoming a favorite activity for Mike and I with the horses. It cools them off, cleans off their muddy legs, gives their minds something to think about, and provides them a bit of a unique workout at the same time.

The exact moment Q sat down in the water.
She'd taken a misstep.

Tuesday night we headed out for yet another jaunt in the creek. We started a bit further downstream than the first time and traveled to the same upstream point.

SUCH a blast. I giggled the whole time.

The water was a bit higher than it was during our first expedition. Additionally, the lower part of stream we traversed for the first time had some deeper holes.

Both horses took at least one misstep into a hole or over a slightly larger-than-normal rock that resulted in Mike and I getting wetter than planned. We both had wet feet by the end, and my pant legs were soaked to just above mid-shin!

Overall, GREAT horses.

Can't wait to do this in the hot summer weather!

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