
Thursday, July 16, 2015

Straight Shot Metal Smashing: A Review

Sara surprised me with a cluster of items from Beka's Straight Shot Metal Smashing shop on Etsy as a thank you for being a sounding board for things with Gem since her accident and for sending along some SmartPaks to see if they would help Gem out.

I was so delighted when I opened the gift that I literally squealed aloud... and then, because I was simultaneously walking the dog and opening the package, I proceeded to drop items a few at a time all over the road. Because no coordination.

After picking mess up off the empty lonely unpopulated back road, I gave a lot closer inspection to the items.

Q's name was adorned to an approving owls bridle charm, Griffin's to a good juju charm, and Kenai had his own little dog tag. Additionally, a keychain (now on my car keys) with my personal life motto (and the title of this blog) In Omnia Paratus (ready for anything) was included along with a thin signature cuff bracelet.

*insert another squeal of delight here*

Each of the critters' charms has a unique Latin word adorned on it. This is to match the fact that I use Latin for the title of this blog. Fun fact, I also wear a ring on my right-hand ring finger that has in omnia paratus stamped on it. I have worn this ring for 4.5 years. Each of those three unique words is also on the cuff bracelet, separated by little orange horseshoes.

Q's assigned word was CREDERE, Kenai's was FIDUCIA, and Griffin's was SOGNARE.

While I am familiar with pieces of Latin, I don't know the language overly well; I knew none of these words from first glance other than a wild guess that "credere" was possibly a basis for the English word "credible/credibility" so perhaps it meant believable or truthful? ... I hurried to look up each of the words as soon as Kenai and I returned from our walk.

credere = believe

fiducia = trust

sognare = dream

Sara (and/or Beka(?)), those words are so perfect.

Just LOOK at it all! <3

Q and I have this back and forth relationship that really boils down to not believing in the other enough. She never believes in me enough to trust me when I say, "That _______ over there isn't a monster and it won't kill you," and I am likewise having a hard time believing her when she says, "It's going to eat me! Panic! I'm more confident now, I know I can do my job and get down this trail alive."

The whole surgery debacle with Kenai has taught me more ever to trust in his ability to heal and bounce back from all of this in good spirits. I worried for awhile (irrationally) that he wouldn't make it. Additionally, the blind trust he has had in me for 5 years now is so humbling. Such is the nature of a good dog. He is the greatest.

Griffin has allowed me to dream bigger and entertain so many exciting things from the very first day he entered my life. I had dreamed of learning to be better at groundwork with horses: he helped me fulfill it. I had dreamed of starting my own horse from nothing: he helped me fulfill it. I dreamed of doing endurance: he helped me foster (and continue to foster) that goal, even though Q has filled that role. I dreamed of cross country courses, big jumps, and (this was a big reach goal for me) dressage competitions: Griffin is demonstrating to me that those dreams are so very achievable.

credere, fiducia, sognare

Each of these charms will adorn the critters' headgear in the very near future. Kenai's will be going on his newest orange collar and Q's will go on her bridle (and is totally going to be worn for our endurance ride in 2 weeks!). Griffin currently shares Q's bridle, so his will also go on it for the time being. (Once I'm out of debt with the dog, Griffin will be getting his own.)

The keychain is already on my keys and the bracelet hasn't left my wrist since I put it on.

I am so very impressed with these pieces, Beka! They're well done and so unique.

Thank you, Sara, for gifting them. <3

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