
Sunday, March 12, 2017

A New Zip Code

The blog has been exceptionally quiet/sporadically written over the past couple months due to the fact that I have moved! I'm just one county over from where I was living, but it's still a big change. For the past two years, I was living part time in my hometown where my job is based and part time in Canaan Valley with Dave. Now, I'm in the valley full time. Other than the much longer commute to the office 4 days a week (of which I have and will continue to adapt to), it's been amazing.


Thanks to some foresight on my part coupled with absurdly mild temperatures most of January Junuary and the first part of February, I was able to slowly move to the valley a car load at a time much sooner than I'd originally anticipated. Admittedly, it was a bit stressful, but what move isn't? Now that it's [mostly] over, I'm so relieved to have all of my things in one place again. Two residences was more work and definitely stressed me out. Despite the commute, it's much easier to just live in one place!

03102017 House-2

The only current negative to the situation is that I am a 45 minute drive (and nearly as many miles) from the horses. This is the furthest I have been from my horses ever. A local friend has room for me to bring one horse up here in the near future, but as for the other two, the situation is very much in flux. I have ideas and plans for ways to resolve this, but they will take time. Conveniently, the horses and work are in the same town, so it's easier to fit in my riding plans 4 days a week with the distance. But I am eager to find a plan of action that puts them closer to home!

03102017 House-12

Beyond the commute and the current distance from the horses, things are wonderful. I enjoy my location, seeing Dave daily, being closer to the wealth of outdoors activities I partake in, being closer to a community of friends who are avid outdoors enthusiasts, living in a very quiet, peaceful neighborhood, and generally being closer to nature.

03102017 House-4

Kenai is the happiest, I think. He loves this house and the yard. He had a great yard at the apartment, too, but he tended to wander and play in the wetland a little too much for my taste! Here, he makes his rounds to check on all of his "spots", then settles in one of three places to lounge and survey his kingdom for hours at a time. We're secluded from roads (rarely, if ever, do we even hear road noise!) so it's safe to let him wander about the little bit he does. The only thing he is lacking - that I know he wishes he had after two very extended stints with my coworker's dog in the past 3 months - is a friend. But he'll have to wait about 5 months for her. 😉

03102017 House-10

So, there you have it! The biggest reason behind my blog being a bit quieter than usual. I hope to begin posting with a bit more regularity (at least 1x/week) as life moves forward. This post is (hopefully) the first of several big "life updates" I'll share with the blog over the coming month or two, so if things do get quiet, trust that I'll return with a fun update at a later time.


  1. That house is lovely - congrats on the new move!!

  2. Gorgeous place! Looking forward to all of your future updates! :)

    1. Fingers crossed future updates go smoothly haha

  3. Congrats on the move. The house is lovely. There would be no way I'd go up on that narrow loft. I'm deathly afraid of heights! I feel you on the commute to horses but at least they are close to your work and it is daylight savings time once again. I hope that means an easier time riding during the week for you.

    1. Definitely a bit easier to ride during the week. Hopefully they'll be closer to me by fall though.

  4. FIVE MONTHS! <3<3<3

    Congratulations on settling into paradise! Hope the ponies can join you very soon. :)

    1. I hope so, too! We'll see if the horses join or if the puppy joins first ;-)

  5. Wow. That house is AMAAAAAAAZING! Looks like a postcard!
    Congrats on the move :)

  6. Absolutely beautiful! The space and seclusion sounds like a dream property. But I hear you on the distance from the horses...that's how far I am, time-wise, from where I board and it's definitely not my favorite thing.

    1. Ugh, yeah. It's kind of the pits. I can't wait to resolve it.

  7. Wow! That house! Looks like a great place! At least you work near your horses. Happy settling in to you!

    1. Definitely grateful to work near the barn. =)

  8. Lovely new digs and glad you are all settled in! I tried the 45-50min barn commute and it got old fast- 2hrs round trip drive to see the horse for just as long, if not shorter amount of time. At least you are in the area for work so that definitely helps. And I'm excited to hear about doggy developments?!

    1. Totally agree re: commute and time spent at barn. It's irritating because I've been SO spoiled for the whole time I've owned them. I hope to resolve it within the next 6 months. And yes...have a female pup on hold for a little due in May. Siberian again.

  9. Wow the house is GORGEOUS! Glad you and Kenai are happy there! I hope you can find a closer home for the horses soon.

    1. Thanks =) And yes, I hope to have them closer soon, too.

  10. Wow, wow, wow. THAT HOUSE. Glad you and Kenai are happy there!

  11. You home is stunning! I hope that you are very happy there and find a way to have a shorter commute. :)

    1. I am very happy =) And I think we'll resolve the horse commute with a little patience.

  12. That is honestly my dream house. *drool*

    1. Mine, too...never thought it would actually happen. <3

  13. Wow, that is a beautiful house! Definitely has elements of my dream home. I'll have to show my husband the pictures. ;)
