
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Happy Q Day!

Seven years ago today, I brought Q home. I cannot believe it has been so long already!

She has taught me more about horses, myself, and life than I ever could have dreamed and has carried me more miles than any other horse in my life to date. She has completed 11 endurance rides and we have ridden in five states during our time together - which is a lot considering I'd never left the state with a horse prior to her!

I look forward to many more years and many more lessons with this little spitfire mare. Hopefully we'll find ourselves in a dressage court for some of it!

Thanks to Chelsey for helping me capture these photos!


  1. what a journey it's been for you two <3 happy horse-iversary!!

  2. Happy Q day! What a great horse and so many great memories with her!

  3. Awww how sweet! Happy Q day <3

  4. I already said this but man is she beautiful!!!

  5. Happy Gotcha day Q! you are a lovely girl.

  6. Happy Q Day! Beautiful photos!!
