
Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Snow Ponies

Apologies for any formatting errors - I have received countless errors from Google in my attempts to post this all week...

There is no purpose to this post beyond sharing several photos of the horses having fun in the snow earlier last week. Looks like we may see another dusting of snow sometime this weekend - fingers crossed that we get more than that! I miss the winters of my childhood.

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He's simply the handsomest
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Wishing he had a play buddy to romp with
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Rushing to her stall because she was "missing" dinnertime. Why was she missing it? Because she was too beside herself being upset that she was missing out to realize that oh, hey, the stupid human OPENED THE GATE FOR HER TO WALK INTO THE DRY LOT AND HAVE STALL ACCESS. Sigh. She stood for a solid 5 minutes on the other side of the fence throwing a tantrum and was too into her tantrum to notice the open gate.
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Stanley galloping to his dinnertime.
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Gotta get those hind legs UP to get them out of the snow drift area!
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A majestic Staniel excited for his dinner.
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The sweetest face
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Engage: zoomies.
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The boys. And, uh, well, also the photo debut of Griffins Very Horrible Clip Job. I got some new-to-me clippers and should have gotten accustomed to them on Stan or Q before trying Grif... So now I have two horses and one part-zebra. Thank god hair grows back!!! It's already looking MUCH better this week. 
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And she's off...
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But not without a sassy head toss
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I'd turned them out about 30 minutes before taking this photo. The cold, misty air wasted no time in adding frosty tips to each horse!
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Snow-encrusted barn and house. One day, the barn will be the same grey-ish tone as the house when the white oak exterior weathers more.
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Grif telling Q how it is... And with good reason. She's a witch to him most days in the dry lot!
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In sync
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Q's tell tale "I hate this cold wind in my face" posture
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Stan herding everyone down past the barn
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Angry Staniel ears and irritated Q ears in response. Griffin is just a lemming following along.
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Oh hai, boys!
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And they're off again, this time with Q bossing Griffin...
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LOOK at that angry mare!
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Fortunately, Grif is becoming adept at escaping her attempts...
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It's a horrible clip job, but he's a majestic fellow. Also, note Taiga in the window lol!
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Snow Ponies of Starlight Lane album cover
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Q's frosty mane
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His clip job may suck, but his tail is pretty clean these days now that he doesn't have iron-rich mud to wallow in!
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This old man <3
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Heading down to the barn... Those trees tho!
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The barn nestled in for the winter


  1. I love the clip jobs all around, and Stanley's eyelashes. Your fences are tight!

    So jealous that the snow/ice is keeping your grey horse clean. We've had the warmest Winter in history here, just rain, so I have a mud-brown grey horse.

  2. Ugh. I love your place. And your pretty white snow. And your ability to take good pictures of your horses.

    Basically I'm just jealous.

  3. Lots of beautiful snowy action up your way!! I'm jealous, although people go crazy and can't drive when we get the white stuff down here.

    I have a yellowy-brown grey horse - stained from iron-rich well water + natural fly spray that I've never stopped needing since last spring. Also he has been thoroughly shedding since Jan 4 - a new record?! Not only have we not had any winter precipitation, it's been mostly in the 60s-70s so far. Mother Nature is having her way with us...

    1. Oh good gravy. That has to be a new record on the shedding. But I think what I'm more appalled by is the fly spray necessity for such a long, continuous period. UGH! I don't know how you and Val handle all those pesky bitey bugs.

  4. Ahhh i just love the pictures! Super glad we don't get snow here, but lovely to look from afar!

  5. I don't think I'd seen that perspective from your barn up to your house before and I love it!

    Also your lovely prancy snow ponies. <3

    1. There are so many danged angles to capture it from. I really need to get my friend back up in the spring with his drone for a bit of a before/after!

  6. It’s been so warm and wet down here that everything is muddy. I’d rather snow any day over winter rain. At least snow is pretty and functional.

  7. Brr I'm cold now, but damn your horses look happy!

  8. So beautiful. I'm starting to think that you just might be happy to have them in your backyard....

  9. So beautiful! Avalon does that sassy head-toss too!
