
Thursday, March 31, 2011


an huEarlier in the week a friend from home messaged me a link to with an ad for a husky in a shelter nearby.  He looked so similar to my dog and so sad.  But, unfortunately, its really not feasible for me to have a second dog at this point in my life.  I feel for dogs in shelters - but I can't help right now.

Last night at my cousin's 21st birthday bash at a local pub I saw my friend, Whitney, and expressed to her about this Siberian that needed rescued.  She also has a Sibe that she got five years ago.  She immediately felt for this guy in the shelter and decided to go get him! - in the morning of course, not at 11p, haha.

She went and picked him up this afternoon, and discovered that if she hadn't he was slated to be put down today or tomorrow!  He had been in and out of the shelter 3 times and had currently been there for 6 weeks!  Poor guy.  His name is now Paxton (it was Max), he's two years old, and a really good boy - just needs fattening up.

Kenai and I visited today.  It was Kenai's first time playing with another Sibe!  It was really fun to watch them.


and again...
They look like brothers even though they aren't!
Paxton on the left, Kenai on the right.

Cuddly fighters.

The Wild Thornberry's

Its Thursday already?!  Where did the week go?  I knew on Sunday that I'd get to Friday and wonder where time had gone, but wow, Tuesday and Wednesday are definite blurs in my mind. 

Today has been very slow and relaxing.  I don't have classes on Tuesdays or Thursdays - so its pretty nice.  I've been doing a lot of studying for my GIS midterm (even though we only have four weeks left) on Monday.  And I've developed a brilliant reward system for myself - go through a power point lecture (its a three hour-once-a-week class so they're super long) and take notes on it, then watch a 22 minute episode of the Wild Thornberry's!  Netflix recently obtained permission (or whatever they need) for the tv episodes - prior they had only had the Wild Thornberry's Movie.  Lame.  But oh-so-sweet now!  So I've gotten through four big ol' lectures and taken notes - needless to say I'm feeling a little bit better about this upcoming test.  Its really nice to return to childhood with this show, too.  Its one of the few cartoons I've gone back and watched and not been like, "What the hell was my mother thinking allowing me to watch this?  Its bizarre (i.e. Rocko's Modern Life)."

So yes, great rainy, study day for me.  Feeling in control and calm about the upcoming chaos in my life, too.  Never thought I'd enjoy myself so much on such a drab, nasty day.  Hurrah for Nickelodeon cartoons!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Crashing into dreamland

Well, so much for my super-duper-get-stuff-done phase.  I've officially crashed back into procrastination - hence the beginnings of a blog layout makeover!  It'll be slow, but hopefully it will be completed in the upcoming week.  Revamped most of the layout and my 30x30 for now.

Its one of those threaten-to-rain-any-minute days outside.  The drab gray dreariness of it all is taking a toll on my productivity - or at least that's what I'm blaming it on.  I started off strong this morning, but have since crashed into digressing subjects (i.e. horses, Gilmore Girls, arts & crafts, blog re-design).  I do have a semi-plan for the rest of the afternoon though, so hopefully I will get something accomplished.  BIG test on Monday in my GIS graduate course, so I better get something of substance accomplished!

But until then, the following are things I've been dreaming about for my room decor/ future house (one day, somewhere).
Because who wouldn't want one?
I want a place like this to read.
A big sectional couch (leather though) for lots of people
I would really love to have a home with bay windows
A big, solid, wood front door like this.  While I can't have my
dream home necessarily, I would really like to have a fancy
But if having my dream home were feasible (which unless I go become an ob-gyn doctor - since they have the biggest starting salary - is absolutely not possible) I would have something similar to this....

Sigh...if only.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Groove Thing

Two (almost) days back at school - and I'm a workaholic!  I've really found my old groove, and oh does it feel good!

I've been hummin' this song a lot today.  I've spent most of the day yesterday and today completely completing my to-do lists.  If that's not a good feeling then I don't know what is!  I'm still really overwhelmed with all I have to accomplish in the next three weeks.  Soooo many deadlines to meet.  They are really fast approaching - and while I'm freaking out a little here and there along the way, I know I'm going to get everything done and its all going to be ok.  And knowing that feels SO good.

I'm happier than I've been in awhile, too.  Being busy like this, having to-do lists, having deadlines and goals to meet - its awesome.  I'm really good at making a lot of things happen when they need to happen.  I think that's been the problem most of the semester - I just didn't have anything.  It was all occurring now.  Well, now is here and I'm busy again.  Groovin' through it all and feelin' good doing it.

I hope you are shakin' your groove thing, too!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Cherry blossoms, overlooks, crabcakes

Yesterday Chris and I went into DC to see the cherry blossoms.  They're not quite at peak yet but they were pretty awesome, I thought.  It was the day before the festival began - so crowds weren't too bad.  I really enjoyed seeing what our nation makes such a huge deal over.  I've been wanting to go for three years now.  It was really awesome to finally visit - even if my feet are super sore from all the walking in my moccasins (because I chose to look cute vs. being functional, oops).

I'm a lot more comfortable exploring the country-side than the metropolitan areas.  They are cool, but they make  me uneasy because I am so unfamiliar with them.  I've never been to NYC - I really want to go but just haven't yet.  I need to find a super savvy city person to travel with.  Its one thing to meet my friend that lives - and acts - there, but the whole getting there makes me nervous.  I'm just really ignorant about public transportation and large super-crowed areas.  I've been to forty of the fifty states, but mostly to the rural areas.  I can get through and around airports really well, too.  Big cities make me nervous.  The metro to access DC is something I feel a little more comfortable with thanks to WVU.  WVU has a PRT (Personal Rapid Transit) system to access our two campuses.  Its basically these mini cars that we cram ourselves into to get to one of five stops.  The metro is basically just a giant PRT car for me; thanks to WVU for that.  I really like DC though - its probably the biggest city I've ever visited.  Its so clean, the downtown area is so open and un-cramped - it makes it really easy to feel comfortable in a busy, busy area.

Last night once we'd arrived home, had dinner, etc. I got an email from my mom.  My 87 year old grandmother fell while doing laundry and broke her hip.  She went into surgery this morning.  Mom said they replaced the ball, but the socket is as it originally was.  Nana is slated to stay in the hospital for three days before she is allowed to leave and then begin physical therapy etc.  My mom's parents have been very blessed with amazing health - this is the first major issue my Nana has had.  My Papa had a minor stroke two or three years ago - but it didn't impede him at all - he was really lucky.  Mom says Nana is being a very good patient though because she wants to get better very soon.  Nana advised me to never break my hip because its worse than giving birth - I told her I'd try my best not to do that at my ripe age of 22 (break my hip that is...granted, I'm not really ready for a kid either.....).

I was also able to be super-productive last night.  I looked at a calendar and realized, "Oooh shit, I have four weeks and two huge papers to write - one of which is my senior/honors thesis!"  So I got to work.  Since then I have read three papers to include in my review paper for my animal behavior course (for which I must have a minimum of 15 papers), emailed critical people about deadlines, started my online GIS 3D Analyst training (coolest thing EVER rendering 2D maps to 3D maps, I freaking love technology), and I organized and set definite goals for myself for the next two weeks.  Oi vey!

Who sees the peace-sign in the bark?

Today Chris took me up to Black Rocks and Annapolis Rock.  We had planned on climbing, but colder-than-expected temperatures changed our minds.  It was fun to hike on the AT (again) and see the big rock/cliff areas.  I also discovered my biggest pet peeve: BEING A THUNDER-FOOT.  I thought this was just something that bothered me when people did it in houses/apartments, but when hiking today I realized it bothers me outside even.  What is a "thunder-foot" you may ask?  Its someone who stomps their feet when they walk more than is needed.  Typically it happens inside and makes the person sound like they weigh 3x their actual weight because they stomp, stomp, stomp around the house trying to put holes in the floor - I have since discovered this is also possible OUTSIDE.  Gaaaahhhhhh.  These two men were hiking behind me as we descended back to the parking lot today.  The trail at this point was very loamy soil, with minimal sticks and rocks yet somehow these guys managed *thud thud thud thud crunch click click thud thud crunch thud* behind me.  The most I heard between Chris and I was the *swish swish swish* of baggy pant legs swiping against one another.  WAY TO RUIN NATURE, ANNOYING MEN!  ALSO, an absurdly obese family was out day hiking as well - I mean, GREAT for them to get out and DO something to be active, but honestly did they have to litter the trail behind them with candy, water bottle, and Oberto's jerky wrappers?  GOODNESS.  Chris and I picked up all their mess clear back to the parking area.

Overall - a GREAT couple days.  It was concluded this evening with the greatest lump crab cakes, orzo, asparagus, and wine.  Yum, yum, yum.  Hope your weekend/break/whatever was just as enjoyable. 

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Due to my neglect the past three days this is going to be a super post - it figures I'd get super busy and then neglect to attempt to write anything and have to catch up...

--Carly met Chris and I at the barn at 12:30p to tack up and head out on a big thirteen mile loop ride.  Orion's halter/bridle combo came in - he looks very handsome in red.

With bit

The ride was pretty fun - lots of running and ended up running into a school bus of children who were thrilled to see the horses.  After we rubbed the horses down, grained them and turned them loose again, we headed to the tack shop downtown.  I hadn't been before.  Pretty nice addition to the little town.  Picked up a fly-mask for Orion.  He's going to look absurd, but I always said I would get my horse a fly mask because I always felt bad for the mobbing of flies around them in the summer.

After quick showers Chris and I headed to get dinner at our favorite place in Elkins - El Gran Sabor.  Its a sweet little Venezuelan joint run by a husband and wife.  Amazing authentic food, local brews, the option for quiet seating in the front of the house or into the back for live local music - jazz typically.  Chris and I always have to order cachapas - a sweet corn pancake stuffed with slow cooked beef or chicken or shrimp or beans.  They also have sweet plantains, tostones, arepas and empanadas.  Tostones and empanadas are the fried versions of the afore mentioned foods.  Super awesome and yummy.

We didn't leave to head to Maryland until two or so - plenty of time to give the dogs - and cat - baths.

Our drive through the eastern panhandle towards Maryland was very pretty.  I love that part of WV - so rocky - I love all the outcroppings.

Little cave along the river
North Fork Mtn. - the rock croppings line the ridge
as well,  a hike goes along the entire ridgeline
I hated seeing where my beautiful state has been marred by these:

Other surrounding states (cough, cough, VIRGINIA) pushed and pushed for these to be crossed across my beautiful state marring some of the most beautiful areas - all so they can have cheaper electricity.  Its the story of WV.  Metropolitan areas from the north steal our pristine water and send us their trash in return.  I could harp on and on about this and my dislike for it - but I won't.

Daffodils from my yard to take to MD
All things considered, it was a beautiful drive.

Our original plan for this trip was to climb MD Heights and Annapolis Rock and then visit DC, but the weather is changing our plans.  So, Chris and his sister Camille took me all around the area to visit different historical things - since this area is chock full of them.  I got to see the real Washington monument, hike some of the AT, visit Antietam Battlefield and Devil's Backbone park along Antietam Creek.  It was a lot of fun to see and do everything - great to not sit inside all day.  Kenai had a blast getting out too.

The 'real" Washington Monument
Camille and Chris
Kenai throwing himself off the slide we tried to get him to go down
Those tell-tale white blazes that indicate the AT
*An update on my friend Ty who is doing a thru-hike of the trail:
He has completed ~270 miles and is somewhere in NC*

Antietam was really stunning to see after learning all about it through HS/college history courses.  I was lucky to have some really phenomenal history teachers who impressed upon me how monumental the battle of Antietam truly was.  ~23,000 were killed in this battle, the creek ran red for days with their blood.  One of my history teachers urged us to visit the battlefield one day and note how green and lush the land is from all of that death.  I don't know that the effects of the battle are as long-lasting today, but all the same it is super impressive.  Understanding the enormity of what happened in those fields really made me feel like a small person in this huge, huge world - it also really made me appreciate how rich and amazing history can be.

Antietam Creek