My social media skills are definitely lacking of late.
So here, have a
photo dump of epic proportions chronicling my adventures from late summer as it faded into
and through autumn in West Virginia and beyond.
Took a photo from this same spot in summer. The change is incredible. |
So many leaves! This was on October 2. |
I spy with my little eye, a Kenai! |
Happy, happy, happy dog. |
Leaves, ferns, ground cedars. |
Still happy as can be! |
Those trees though... |
It was a very misty, murky rainy day in Little Alaska. |
Kenai still had time for a swim though. |
Beaver dam holding the water back. |
Reds and russets. |
Fallen red maple. |
Sir Chicken Legs in the Blackwater. |
The ominous skies with the trees made for a pretty backdrop. |
Apples at the first cider party |
The press and juice/cider in progress |
Old, but it's perfect for the job! |
A bit of apple butter in progress as well |
The literal fruits of our labors at the first party before I headed onto party #2 |
Dave is churning the apple grinder (behind me), I'm pouring apples, Dan is working the press. |
Party #2. More apples and another press and more wonderful people. Dave working the press this time. |
More fruits of our labor at the second party. So freaking delicious. Pairs perfectly with pear/brie pie. |
My 7 year old lesson student went on her first trail ride. Things were still green in Elkins despite the relative peak color in Canaan. |
I took photos for several friends of their kids. Kenai photobombed this shot of little Emma in the absolute sweetest way, kissing her on the nose very gently. |
Back in Canaan though, the colors were still showing off. |
It's worth noting that zero of the photos posted here of autumn colors have been filtered or edited beyond cropping. |
Just look at the valley behind Kenai! |
We climbed a very steep slope on this day. |
The views were worth the climb. |
How beautiful... |
The slopes at one of the resorts I ski patrol at. |
Blueberry bushes ablaze with color. |
And two sugar maples showing off near the golf course. |
So this was one of the most epic hikes I've ever done. View after epic view. It go to where we were joking about the view "sucking" because there were just so many outstanding vistas. |
I adore red spruce <3 |
Lots of scree to hike across. |
Kenai never poses. Ever. ;-) |
Dave and I at one of the first "more open" vistas. |
I freaking LOVE this state. No filters or editing to any of these photos, once again. |
I mean, look at it! Mountain momma, I do love you. And this view? This wasn't even "the good one". We reached this view and immediately (very sarcastically) stated, "Ugh, this view sucks. Can we go home now?" |
We also joked that we didn't understand why they call it the "mountain state", wouldn't the "tree state" or "valley state" be better? |
<3 <3 <3 <3 |
Another of the same but with red spruce because they are my absolute favorite. |
"THE VIEW" taken from an area call The Promontory. 270° vista. |
Dave and Kenai. |
Moi and Kenai |
Tree pose. Because Chipper requested it. |
Photo by Chip Chase. Dave was a very good sport and joined my posing. |
It seemed like a good time for a selfie. |
Upwards of center is Seneca Rocks in the distance. |
Most epic helmet ever? Yes. Yes it is. |
My lesson student is becoming bolder by the lesson. |
See? And in a bareback pad to boot! I did a lot of bareback riding as a kid and it really helped me, so my two lesson students are doing the same. |
And then, last week, I went off the radar for a whole week in TN. Camp fires every night, 3 guitars and a mandolin. And a whole lot of climbing. |
Dave working his way up to the roof on Heresy. |
Getting horizontal on Heresy. |
Yep. Typical Obed roof climbing. |
Not a bad part of the country at all. |
One of the campground host's dogs. This is Big. Big Scruggs. He's a doll. |
Group selfie with Big on our last morning. <3 It was as great week. |