Thursday, April 9, 2020

Finished Windows

Oh happy day! The windows in my tack room are officially finished.


And I love them. I squeal a little every time I walk into the tack room since Kate finished them.


There is just something about a trimmed out window that finishes a space for me and makes everything feel so settled and complete.

Now, I'm just waiting for my equestrian-themed pillows to show up for the couch and a curtain for the window behind the couch and then things will be pretty much complete.

I'm not completely sold that I'll keep the carpet that is currently in there in place forever. I may eventually get a small runner to put in the center of the room, but I'm not in a hurry to do that. Things will fall into place as they're meant to with time. The linoleum piece will likely stay forever because it lays over the most heavily trafficked area of the room and helps to keep the inevitable barn muck from scratching the wood more than I know it will. *shrug*

This was the best "pose with your work" I could get out of Kate when she finished lol

The next immediate steps I'll be taking are: painting the medicine cabinet and accompanying drawer cabinet brown to match the couch/window trim, painting the breaker box that same brown, and then possibly painting the door navy? I'm not sure yet. The curtain behind the couch is likely going to be navy, and I have had dreams of a nice navy door since this whole project began. So, we'll see.

It has been so much fun to work on evolving this space over the past several months. I'm spending an increasing amount of time down there these days, and I really enjoy the paradise it is becoming.


  1. It looks amazing! Love the windows! I do have to say, this pandemic has made me want to move more and more. I need more money, but I want a larger farm more than anything now. Of course, my hate for my property started with culvert-gate...

    1. I was thinking about you and that whole debacle the other day. Did all the vegetation grow up nicely this spring? Did they ever reach out to you more about it?

    2. Have yet to hear anything...not that I reached out. And I'm certainly NOT going to. If they ask, I'll tell them it was completed September 2019 and send some pictures. My neighbor thought it looked great so that's something? I assume it's green (grass actually grew last fall thanks to rain the very evening that they pulled the thing out -- if they hadn't gotten it out that day, I'm not sure it would have come out) so hopefully it looks nice now. We have to fix fencing (never did that down there post culvert removal) so I look when we fix that this weekend. I'm sure next year I'll hear something.

  2. Finished windows really make a huge difference! Oh my GOSH it's so gorgeous. I LOOOOOOVE your tack room. It's #goals, since I'm hoping to get mine updated this spring haha.

    1. I can't wait to see what you do with yours!!

  3. WOW, that looks fantastic! I still love seeing photos of your barn, you are definitely living the dream right now.

    It makes me happy every time I see my saddle covers in that gorgeous room. <3

    1. Gosh, I just love your saddle covers! I, too, love seeing them in that space.

  4. I hope one day you can visit!

  5. So lovely! Looks like a great place to relax!

  6. looking good!!! i want to live in your tack room that is all :)

    1. There's a waiting list wanting to live there lmao

  7. They are lovely. I just want to sit on the couch with you and have a beer. :) Of course not now.....but maybe some day.

    1. I really hope we can make that happen one day.

  8. Wow - it looks so nice!!! Ditto to coming down there and having a beer! ;-) Looks like just the spot to sit and relax!
